Saturday, November 20, 2010

A Glass of Herbsaint: The Herbsaint Frappé

 This is a very small excerpt from an extensive future article on the Herbsaint Frappé.
Just a small preview...Stay Tuned...

The Herbsaint Frappé is the signature Herbsaint cocktail appearing in all Herbsaint advertisements from the very beginning as the Legendre Absinthe Frappé, to the modern era of Herbsaint Original.

The Herbsaint Frappé has it's roots in the old New Orleans tradition of the Absinthe Frappé, as the perfect absinthe cocktail for the hot humid climate of New Orleans. A Frappé is an iced drink usually made with cracked, or crushed ice, that often has a thin icy coating on the outside of the glass.  Absinthe Frappés were a tradition in New Orleans where people would enjoy a tall cold Absinthe Frappé as the evening met the day, and as a Sunday Morning After eye opener from the week end revelry.

Once again, with the return of Herbsaint Original, one can recall the old New Orleans tradition of: At The Close Of The Day, Drink An Herbsaint Frappé, Legendre Herbsaint, Always Served When Absinthe Is Called For.

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